The Pursuit of Squash

A challenge-based training program for players at any level.

Introducing the new 6 Weeks to Better Movement Program! - Click Here For Details!


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Training Videos
Improve your squash with our vast library of training videos and tutorials.


Challenges Completed
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Challenge Yourself
Select the skill you want to improve. Complete each level to unlock the next.
Monitor Your Progress
Enter your scores on each challenge. See a history of your progress.
See Where You Rank
Premium members have access to leaderboards and benchmarks for each challenge.
Ghosting App
This site has one of the best online ghosting tools around built right in.
Chat with other members of the site about anything squash related.
Squash World Map
See where other members of the site are playing out of.

Worldwide Skills Leaderboard

No matter where you are in the world, you can see how you compare to other squash players on the global leaderboard through our fun benchmark challenges.

Approachable Online Squash Training

The videos in this training program are perfect for new squash players. You will gradually be introduced to each skill and shown progressions that will keep taking your game to the next level.

Squash Solo Drills (Beginner - Advanced)

Most of the drills you will face can be done on your own. Solo practice is one of the best and fastest ways to improve your game!

Learn Squash Technique

You will learn everything from how to move gracefully on court to the different techniques for each of the squash strokes.

Squash Courts Near Me

As more players join the site, they will continue to add to our database of squash courts around the world.


The Pursuit of Squash is a challenge-based training program. I used this method to get me to where I am today and would love to share my experience! It is designed from the ground up even for those who have never stepped onto a court.

Over the years, as my passion for the sport grew, so did my desire to expose others to the enjoyment it brings me nearly every day. After some thought, I figured the best way to do this was to make it as easy as possible for new and existing players to improve their skills. Those who play know very well that the better you get at this game, the more addictive it becomes!

My goal is to grow the sport and show the world its full potential. - Jason

Clubs of the World

The members of this site play out of clubs from all over the world, just check out the map below!